Remote Support
If you contact us and want to have us remotely support your pc (mac or windows), put the number we give you into the box below and click "Connect to ninkasi remote support".
You will then be prompted to download and then install our remote control client software. As it installs you will almost certainly be asked if you wish to allow the software to make some security changes. Please approve these changes - these are necessary to enable the software to work and are temporary. Once the remote session has finished the software will automatically remove itself from your computer. If you later need remote support, you will need to install this software again - this ensures you have the latest version of the software but more importantly gives you confidence that your pc will only be accessed remotely with your approval and when you specifically request it.
The process for installing the client software on a mac is as follows:
Click on the 'start download' button
The file will download. When complete, click on it to open.
Click on the large life preserver icon to start the install
Click on the 'Open' button
Click on 'Open System Preferences'
The 'Open System Preferences' button. Enabling this allows the software to record the screen - in other words it allows the technician to view your screen remotely.
This is what this looks like if you don't allow access - it is grey and the check box next to the 'RemotePCHDDesktop' entry is unchecked.
It is now checked. 'RemotePCHDDesktop' stands for 'Remote PC Help Desk Desktop' by the way.
When you lock the settings again, you will see it go grey but the box will remain checked.
Now you need to repeat this but for Accessibility - this enables the technician to remotely control your pc not just view the screen.